I know a farmer.
This farmer's name is William Davies.
And there is a church in McMinnville that stands for God's glory, because this man was led of God to sow seed where his burden had taken him.
He came to McMinnville with his young wife and son, and the first Pentecostal church service was held in a humble rented hall in September of 1975.
I was not even born yet, but I have heard the stories of the early beginnings of outreach, and in-home Bible studies. I've heard recordings of passionate sermons, seen pictures of the Holy Ghost being poured out, and people being baptized.
I've seen pictures of a farmer that sowed seed.
He sowed this seed not in the ground, but in people's hearts.
He planted the seed, and God gave the increase.
The seed began to grow, and as the congregation of souls learned to follow their man of God, He blessed them with the first building to call their own.
Several phases later, God provided everything that this growing church needed.
A sanctuary large enough to hold all the victorious souls, and space for many visitors.
Classrooms to teach the school-age children about arithmetic, and creation, and Sunday School rooms to put this precious Truth into the hearts of bus children.
I know a farmer.
He planted seed into my heart, and the hearts of my family.
How could we have heard without a preacher?
The saints of Abundant Life Pentecostal Church are forever indebted to the voice that they heard, crying in the wilderness. The voice that led them to Jesus Christ.
The voice that spoke with words from God to challenge us when we were weary.
The voice that spoke with words of correction in love when we were leaning towards a wrong direction.
The voice that spoke with convicting words of a vision that was this farmer's heartbeat.
This farmer cared for the seed.
This farmer was Pastor William Davies.
Last weekend marked the 40th Anniversary of ALPC, and it marked the passing of the torch from one generation to the next.
Ministers and church families gathered from near and far to celebrate this milestone.
Bro. Jackson
Bro. Bracken
Bro. Hearn
Bro. Holmes
Bro. White
Bro. Pope
When God is in control, the resulting orchestra of events cannot be more beautiful.
For the saints of ALPC, the installation service held on that Saturday afternoon, was the culmination of the perfect timing of God's will.
We have watched God use Bro. Matthew Davies mightily from his youth, to the last message that he delivered to the church; for God truly has His hand on this man.
And now we watched as he became the Pastor of our church.
Bishop Davies presented our new Pastor with a shepherd's staff, along with a Bible and notebook.
There's lots that could be said, but it wouldn't come close to doing justice to what happened that day.
Pictures paint a thousand words.
Elder Price
Sis. Elder Davies
Sis. Davies
Pastor Davies
The best part about looking back on 40 years of sowing and reaping, is looking forward with pockets and hearts full of seeds to plant, and a shepherd to lead you.
I know some farmers.
Their names are Bishop and Pastor Davies.
Time will only tell the great things in store for my church.