Saturday, May 21, 2016

We Must All Be Responsible At Least Once In Our Lives

With Bible College Graduation leering just around the corner and my late and current assignments needing to be turned in before I graduate 
(that's usually how it works)...

Instead of actually posting about the Big One Pt 6., I must defer to next Saturday so that I can slave away at my assignments. 
I'll be writing about such things as the origin of race, and what two major theologies shaped the Reformed movement in Switzerland. 


I'm not just going to leave you stranded of all meaningful entertainment for an entire week.

I have a plan.

Here's the plan. 

I have included at the end of this post a song. Besides it blessing you, it is the ticket to a new post. 

All you have to do is listen to this song around twenty-two thousand times and magically it'll be next Saturday. 


Time traveling machine^^

 (Thanks Cara for alerting me to this song)


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Here Comes The Big One Pt. 5

I had to pinch myself. 

Well, not myself actually, I pinched my tie. 

You have to work at keeping a presentable looking dimple in your tie.

As I walked through the glass doors into our church foyer, the backdrop of people lining up in their places mixed with my vision of a grand piano, and the bride and groom with official looks on their faces.... this was where all the preparations and plans would be tested. Just once or twice before the real deal.

I found my place on the side back row where soon all the cousins lined up, moved over, and squished in for a very impressive Whack-A-Mole cousin line.

Charlie, Caleb, Andrew, Me, Beth, Katie and Sam

Pastor opened up with a word of prayer and then Sis. Fackler led us through the order of the ceremony using the printouts she had handed to us prior.

I soon found myself in the foyer yet again, lined up with the wedding party.

I was to escort Joleen, Charlie had Maria, Caleb had Sarah, Andrew B. had April, and Luke had Lindsey.

Luke & Lindsey

I'm sure you know how these things go... Me and Caleb did our best to entertain ourselves, but there's only so much you can do when you're standing up on the platform in a suit, with people supposing that you've reached a level of maturity that prohibits you from tackling the groom before he walks down the platform.

I will condense about an hour of time into a few short sentences.

We stood there.

We stood there.

AAAAAAND we stood there.

Little Claire sang, and did an amazing job (recordings in future posts).

"Well Pastor, I was thinking Vanessa would zip-line down the don't think that would work?"

Lauren and Jodi were our stand-in Grandmas because the real ones were other places.

We were blessed to have Bro. Pollock there to sing for us.

Some more standing.

Bro. Dad, and Bro. Montano

The first time that Bro. White ran through his song (I've Got The World On A String), he came up with these hilarious verses that had me rolling, but I couldn't start recording in time!!!! It was FUNNY. Something about Vanessa doing Sam's laundry...but he wouldn't sing them again LOL so here is the normal words, amazing voice sounding version.
Thank God for all the musicians we get to hear on a regular basis, Sis. Davies, Bro. McCune, and Pastor Davies.



Almost. But not quite. We still had one more day to go.

The practice was probably the quickest one that I had been to in my life. By quick I mean two hours. 

When we had fluffed the last drape, positioned the last piece of place marking tape, smoothed over the last rough spot in the song and squeezed out every last moment, we wandered out where we had began. 

The foyer. 

And we all went home, to sleep and lived happily ever after. 


Some of us had guests coming in late that night so we stayed up to see them in. 

Guests that were busy losing their luggage at the airport, getting pulled over by the police and getting lost.

But that's a story for next Saturday.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Here Comes The Big One Pt. 4

Every blog post has a purpose.

I want to draw special attention to the people that were able to come to the rehearsal dinner. I realize not all who had been invited and/or who would've like to come were able to, but those that did come were some of the closest friends and family associated with the wedding. 
It really was a special time for the bride and groom....... and I had a pretty stinking' good time myself.

April King, Maria Ponce, Kaitlin Christopher, Lindsey Herr, Isaac and Lauren Mitchell

Bro. And Sis. White, Pastor and Sis. Davies, and Bishop and Sis. Davies

Katie Lethin, Charlie Lethin, Grandma Craig, Doug and Rachel Lethin, Sam and Beth Rhoades, Andrew and Marissa Lethin, and Aaron Riffe

Andrew and Sarah Burton, Mike Burton, Sam and Vanessa Avendano (Burton at the time), Tre Brickley, Ralph and Joleen Brickley, Claire Burton and Chloe Brickley

Love this pic!

Anna Robins, Terry and Kelly Wooten, Luke Wooten, Gary and Deborah Lisk.

Scott and Amy Thorkildson, Sue Fackler, Andrew and Jodi McCune

Bro. and Sis. Montano, Sam and Vanessa Avendano, Caleb Avendano, Jacob Avendano, Samuel and Naomi Avendano

Sandy Vasquez, Sarah Juarez, Ruth Flores, Mike Flores, Samuel Avendano, Grandma Delores, and Vicki Flores

The Bride and Groom

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