A glass clinked.
People scooted in closer to make room at the table for the ones that had just walked in the door.
It went like it always goes when gathered around a table with those you haven't met yet.
Introductions were offered by mutual friends, initial reactions were gauged for future reference, and opinions based on first impressions were born.
We looked at our menus between talking, and when the waitress walked up, a voice from the group spoke out.
"I am cool," I said.
"You certainly are," replied the waitress as she rushed off.
Soon, claims of "I am grateful", "I am thriving", and "I am gracious" rang out, and the waitress affirmed each one.
Because that's how you order at Cafe Gratitude.
When I was younger, I was hesitant to try new or gourmet style restaurants, because "I don't have one meal to waste on food I don't like."
I still believe that, I've just added something to the end.
"I don't have one meal to waste on food I don't like.
I also don't have one meal to waste on food I already know I like, when there are good options for food I haven't tried yet."
So when Cherie mentioned this place, I was all for it.
If it hadn't been vegan, I would have liked it better, but in my books, a meal without meat that tastes really good, is very impressive.
Beverly Hills.
And I was with the real celebrities.
Stephanie says they get their macarons flown in from Paris.
But who knows.
I didn't even see a landing strip or anything.
Yes, I ran around taking pictures of cars.
But if I hadn't, I wouldn't have these sweet pictures.
It's like worship on a Sunday night.
You won't get anywhere until you start looking a little ridiculous.
On top of Brooks Brothers.

"You want to go to the beach?"
"Let's go!"
"Alright, let's go!"
"Let's GO."
Always wanted to do this.
I couldn't see my name, but they promised it was on there.
I came to California hoping on beautiful weather.
It seemed like the very ocean was smiling at us.
"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like the morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living."
Guess what.
No more car pictures.
Just Angela's first time to Chipotle.
Ok, only one more.
Remember this place from an earlier post?
The only set of wings they have.
I needed some hot chocolate before we started the drive back to San Diego, so we stopped into this place to grab some.
I won't list the name of the place cause I don't like to rag on a restaurant just because of one bad experience.
And our barista meant well.
But that wasn't hot chocolate.
It was water with some brown stuff in it.
I ended up pouring it out.
It would've been my 3rd cup that day, so I probably didn't need it anyway.