I did not want to get up.
It was Friday morning. I had received little sleep, and it was 6:30 am.
I finally sprang up 'n out and began to ready myself for a good early morning run.
I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, selected my shoes and grabbed a pullover in the event it was chilly outside.
I was greeted by the start of what looked like was going to be a perfect day.

Let me stop for a moment and give you a peek into the emotions running through my head.
Doth thou wot how I felt?
Yond existence whence thou shouldst hast known something but thou didn't.
And 't wast right in front of thou the whole time.
The closest way I can think to explain my frame of mind is to take you to a hypothetical church conference.
After church, at the youth event, you lean over to one of your confidants and ask, "Charlie, who is that particularly stunning young lady standing over by the volleyball net surrounded by five rather poor examples of the male species?
He leans towards you and explains, "You certainly know her! Quit pulling my lower limb."
Jacob: "Not so, my good man! I regretfully have yet to make her acquaintance. Honest!"
Charlie: "She's from that one church! You know. I think she's 21."
Jacob: "Nay nay, let it not be the truth! That church is a mere stone's throw from where I live. How have I never met her? I must introduce myself!"
Turning on the charm and popping a breath mint, the way is made over to the heavenly visage, but not without some inward kicking for time lost.
It can be made up, of course, but how much better if you had looked right under your nose first. Might have saved a few crusades for fair maidens in far lands.
The beginning of enlightenment is what I felt as I turned off the paved road and entered the gravel path, past the five mph sign that no one pays attention to, and over the homemade speed bumps fashioned out of gravel.
Crouching in my backyard, the subject of this morning's interest had been hidden not 5 minutes from my house during my entire life in McMinnville. I had never heard of it, much less visited it.
I wasn't sure whether to blame my peers for failing to mention this gem to me or blame myself for not paying attention whenever it had been brought in the conversation.
I went with the latter.
Let me present it to you, just as it was given to me.
Miller Woods.
The 130 acres of forest and grassland that makes up Miller Woods, was given to Yamhill County in 2004, by K.T and Frieda Miller, both military contractor retirees from Alaska, and the county developed it into miles of walking and running trails.
From streams to ponds, to fields of grass and savannah timber, Miller Woods has it all.
It is one of the few areas that I can run without the need for audio entertainment, for the entire 4.5-mile outer loop run.
It is gorgeous.
And it's mine.
I haven't seen a bear yet, but one can always hope.
An overactive imagination is a dangerous thing to have along on an excursion through the woods.
We're pretty close to sea level. Don't laugh at the summit height.
It was Friday morning. I had received little sleep, and it was 6:30 am.
I finally sprang up 'n out and began to ready myself for a good early morning run.
I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, selected my shoes and grabbed a pullover in the event it was chilly outside.
I was greeted by the start of what looked like was going to be a perfect day.

Let me stop for a moment and give you a peek into the emotions running through my head.
Doth thou wot how I felt?
Yond existence whence thou shouldst hast known something but thou didn't.
And 't wast right in front of thou the whole time.
The closest way I can think to explain my frame of mind is to take you to a hypothetical church conference.
After church, at the youth event, you lean over to one of your confidants and ask, "Charlie, who is that particularly stunning young lady standing over by the volleyball net surrounded by five rather poor examples of the male species?
He leans towards you and explains, "You certainly know her! Quit pulling my lower limb."
Jacob: "Not so, my good man! I regretfully have yet to make her acquaintance. Honest!"
Charlie: "She's from that one church! You know. I think she's 21."
Jacob: "Nay nay, let it not be the truth! That church is a mere stone's throw from where I live. How have I never met her? I must introduce myself!"
Turning on the charm and popping a breath mint, the way is made over to the heavenly visage, but not without some inward kicking for time lost.
It can be made up, of course, but how much better if you had looked right under your nose first. Might have saved a few crusades for fair maidens in far lands.
The beginning of enlightenment is what I felt as I turned off the paved road and entered the gravel path, past the five mph sign that no one pays attention to, and over the homemade speed bumps fashioned out of gravel.
Crouching in my backyard, the subject of this morning's interest had been hidden not 5 minutes from my house during my entire life in McMinnville. I had never heard of it, much less visited it.
I wasn't sure whether to blame my peers for failing to mention this gem to me or blame myself for not paying attention whenever it had been brought in the conversation.
I went with the latter.
Let me present it to you, just as it was given to me.
Miller Woods.
The 130 acres of forest and grassland that makes up Miller Woods, was given to Yamhill County in 2004, by K.T and Frieda Miller, both military contractor retirees from Alaska, and the county developed it into miles of walking and running trails.
From streams to ponds, to fields of grass and savannah timber, Miller Woods has it all.
It is one of the few areas that I can run without the need for audio entertainment, for the entire 4.5-mile outer loop run.
It is gorgeous.
And it's mine.
We're pretty close to sea level. Don't laugh at the summit height.
Some nefarious group of individuals was trying to assassinate me by toppling over trees to squash me as I ran past. But they had terrible timing and the tree was always flat out on the trail by the time I reached it.
Crime Scene Photo #1.
Crime Scene Photo #2.
Crime Scene Photo #3.
They tipped that one the wrong way.
Truly laughable skillz.
I went back with a group of friends a couple of weeks ago.
Becuase when you have people in front of you, there are targets to throw pinecones at.
Perfect climbing tree.
I saw something rustling in the low brush, and instinctively I grabbed for it.
Holding a snake as it slips effortlessly through your grip is one of the simple pleasures of life.
Working on our Jungle Cruise Audition.
Shooting back to time present of the beginning of this post, somehow in the rush of getting back to my house and getting ready for the morning service, I found this picture that I must share.
(There was flooding going on in certain parts of the US at the time)
Haters gonna hate. Potatoes going to....potate.
After a fantastic service, and MUCH convincing on my part, we took advantage of it being a Friday, by going to a restaurant that is never open around normal church times.
And the only place I get raisin bread and apple slices on my sandwich.
Idealy situated across from one of McMinnville's illustrious attractions.
Good times are right up our alley.
The purse-holder's reward is large in Heaven.
And who would you guess was working at my brother's phone repair shop not but a few blocks away?
And who needed a whole passel of us to stop by and run amuck for a few minutes?
Notice Caleb's goggles.
Don't ask.
We turned the charm on when a customer walked in.
(I know this is a long post already, but if you'd still reading I want to give some recognician to Jedidah J., who failthfully proofs reeds my blog after I post and passes along the grammer recommandations immmeditaley.
Without her, I'd have the grammar Nazis beating me to a pulp.
Thank you.)
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