I ended my last post by saying, and I quote, "We ended that evening well after midnight, with good intentions of picking up in the morning where we left the night before."
Except when I got to the church that next morning (Friday), I found out that when I had said "we", I should have said "I". Because apparently I was the only one that thought they were supposed to be at the church at 8.
I brought my good buddy, Harmon/Kardon, and he brought Marvin Winans and Bishop Patterson along with him. So we had a good time singing together, whilst we worked, finishing up hanging the lights.
Right before everyone arrived at 10, Ralph came by (one of the owners of Java Espresso, and Vanessa's brother-in-law) and dropped off a few vats of coffee for the workers. All the ladies really enjoyed having a basically unlimited supply of coffee, and I enjoyed it too cause it kept them distracted and I could leave for lunch.
I was planning on making lunch at my house, but as I was driving past my grandma's house I noticed two shady looking characters foraging through the bushes in my grandma's yard. Leaping out of my car, I ran towards the intruders with my weapon drawn.....
And who should it turn out to be but my good friend Aaron Riffe from Salem, and my cousin Charlie!!!!!!!!! Quite unexpected. Charles has been attending Texas Bible College and I totally spaced that he was coming back for the wedding. I mentioned that we had restaurants in McMinnville and they really didn't have to eat leaves for lunch. And they mentioned that they weren't foraging for food, but searching for centerpiece decor for the rehearsal dinner tables.
We decided on the Laughing Bean Bistro and they hopped into their Suburban, arms full of lavender and twigs, and we took off.
While on the way there I received a call from the man of honor himself!! He was hungry and wanted to meet us for lunch.
It was perfect. These guys right here......we were missing Caleb though.
After lunch, Charlie and Aaron left to go be with Caleb, and help set up for the rehearsal dinner, and I went to go help back at the church.
Now, I must brag on the ladies a bit. I've already sung the praises of my ability to hang lights, but check this out.
Pssssssst. That's a basketball hoop right there.
When events are held in our church gym, they usually suffer from the basketball hoop. Yes, you can fold it up against the wall, and cover it with something, but why not make it look like it was put there on purpose.
I call it "The Four Cornered Kissing Cover".
I call it "The Four Cornered Kissing Cover".
I helped out in the gym for a bit, they were working on the great basketball hoop hoax, table settings, etc. Then suddenly we heard a knock on the back door...it swung open and in wafted a voice that said:
"Never fear! The Piano Doctor is here! It's about time I found this place, I've been driving all over this confounded neighborhood for two hours, the least you guys could do is put a sign out front."
Elder Morton walked in wearing a hat that read officially, "The Piano Doctor."
That wasn't Elder Morton. That was the piano tuner.
Sammy always had this dream of getting a baby grand piano for his wedding. So when he had some business contact with a piano store that rented pianos, he was really excited and made early arrangements.
He had Sis. Davies go up one week prior to the wedding and try out some pianos at the store and pick one to be delivered to the church, the day before the wedding.
When they rolled that thing up the side aisle of the church sanctuary, my breath caught.
(insert emoji with heart eyes)
I only got my breath back after 20 minutes of playing on it.This thing was SWEET. So much depth, quality playing action and beauty.
Buuuut when pianos get shipped and moved, they get bumped and need to be tuned.
Buuuut when pianos get shipped and moved, they get bumped and need to be tuned.
Hence, the Piano Doctor.
When he first walked in, I thought Elder Morton had taken a wrong turn and somehow magically ended up at my church. But no, this wasn't Elder Morton. Even though it looked liked him, and even sounded like him. This was the Piano Doctor.
I led him into the sanctuary and over to the piano. I looked around for maybe a tuning machine, or something, but no, his guy was old school. He tuned pianos with his ear, a tuning fork, and some well placed triads.
He would play a chord, then some single notes, and then jerk imperceptibly with the tuner, play another note and repeat the process, starting with the middle of the keyboard and moving out.
Here's some audio for context. It looks like a video, but it's not, just a recording.
The clicking you hear is the tuner:
He told me that he had been tuning pianos for 60 years, and used to tune the piano for Frank Sinatra's band.
I took some pictures and then left him alone to do his work.
It was almost rehearsal dinner time!!!!!
I went back by my house to change into suitable attire for such an event. I called my cousin Katie to make sure that she was still planning on meeting me and Sis. Davies at the church before the dinner for a music practice.
I could launch right into the rehearsal dinner and the wedding rehearsal, but I will instead alter my preplanned course and end with this because I feel it deserves more than just a passing glance.
Many may not know this, but my cousin, Katie, is an amazing accomplished violinist. I emphasize amazing and accomplished. She can play by ear or reading notes, and she blows me away every time.
Sam had requested that she play a song with Sis. Davies, The Prayer.

They got all set up, and when they started to practice.....
Maybe you should do what I did.
Close your eyes and soak every bit of the music in.
I turned around and found Sam with his eyes closed too.
Magical is the word.
Sam stood up because one of the many last minute emergencies had surfaced and he had to leave. He leaned in close to me and said, "Tell Sis. Davies and Katie that the song sounds amazing."
After I snapped out of my musical educed reverie, me and Katie hopped in my car and sped towards the Evergreen Aviation Museum, knowing that Sam and Vanessa's date with destiny was having its kickoff in less than an hour.
It was almost rehearsal dinner time!!!!!
I went back by my house to change into suitable attire for such an event. I called my cousin Katie to make sure that she was still planning on meeting me and Sis. Davies at the church before the dinner for a music practice.
I could launch right into the rehearsal dinner and the wedding rehearsal, but I will instead alter my preplanned course and end with this because I feel it deserves more than just a passing glance.
Many may not know this, but my cousin, Katie, is an amazing accomplished violinist. I emphasize amazing and accomplished. She can play by ear or reading notes, and she blows me away every time.
Sam had requested that she play a song with Sis. Davies, The Prayer.
They got all set up, and when they started to practice.....
Maybe you should do what I did.
Close your eyes and soak every bit of the music in.
I turned around and found Sam with his eyes closed too.
Magical is the word.
Sam stood up because one of the many last minute emergencies had surfaced and he had to leave. He leaned in close to me and said, "Tell Sis. Davies and Katie that the song sounds amazing."
After I snapped out of my musical educed reverie, me and Katie hopped in my car and sped towards the Evergreen Aviation Museum, knowing that Sam and Vanessa's date with destiny was having its kickoff in less than an hour.
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